Helping you redefine your life

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My name is Charlene Pitek and I’m a Certified Bariatric Counselor. In December of 2018 I had gastric bypass surgery, and it changed my life. I lost over a 100 pounds and went from being a couch potato to an active cyclist and hiker. More importantly, I’m no longer diabetic, I no longer have sleep apnea, I no longer have high blood pressure or high cholesterol and my relationship with my husband couldn’t be better. While my past weight did a lot of damage to my knees, requiring a full knee replacement in one knee with a long recovery, my other knee lasted 5 years when I was told it wouldn’t last 18 months and recovery from the second knee replacement was fast.

I’m a retired nurse who spent a lot of time on her feet. During my weight loss, my surgeon and my pharmacist asked me if I’d speak with people who were considering bariatric surgery but weren’t sure if it was the right thing for them. Bariatric surgery isn’t for everyone. You have to mentally prepare for it, change your eating and lifestyle afterwards and maybe even recover if you find yourself overeating again. It’s far from being just an easy way to lose weight and there are many failures to prove it.  I found I was able help people through the entire process, and it was so rewarding to me to see them not only lose weight but redefine their entire life. I have a passion for helping people like me to find the life they’ve always dreamed of and being there to support them when they need it. My advantage is that I’ve struggled with my weight and health my entire life, so I understand what the people I’m helping are going through. Click the link below to learn more about my journey complete with photos of where I came from:

Charlene’s Story

Counseling Services


Help in making the decision, understanding what’s involved and getting mentally prepared. Are you ready for the commitment? 


This is the critical time when you change not only how you eat but how you view yourself and the world around you. This is the toughest time and the most critical to your success and loved ones may not always understand the support you need.

Back on track

After surgery and substantial weight loss, the emotions that created the weight gain can come roaring back and you might require a mental restart to get back on track. Hopefully not but friends and family will always talk about a person they know that gained the weight back and you’ll need support to get back on track.